What about building a CMS, let's Twill

What about building a CMS, let's Twill


4 min read

Updated version for Laravel 10 / Twill 3 on Apr 14, 2023

Dependencies installation

Twill comes as a Laravel package that can be installed via Composer. You can refer to the official documentation for more information.

composer require area17/twill:"^3.0"

Twill installation

What does that mean?

Twill installation will

  • Create configuration files

  • Create a twill.php route file to declare the routes of our modules

  • Publish the assets of the administration interface (Twill is built with Vue.js 2)

  • Migrate all the package tables: twill users, settings, blocks, medias, files, ...

  • Prompt for a superadmin account creation (you can create it or new ones later with this command php artisan twill:superadmin)

If you want to change the default table names, create the twill.php config file before proceeding to the installation and define your custom names.

Default table names

    'blocks_table' => 'twill_blocks',
    'features_table' => 'twill_features',
    'fileables_table' => 'twill_fileables',
    'files_table' => 'twill_files',
    'mediables_table' => 'twill_mediables',
    'medias_table' => 'twill_medias',
    'password_resets_table' => 'twill_password_resets',
    'related_table' => 'twill_related',
    'settings_table' => 'twill_settings',
    'tagged_table' => 'twill_tagged',
    'tags_table' => 'twill_tags',
    'users_oauth_table' => 'twill_users_oauth',
    'users_table' => 'twill_users',

We generally change the table names to set admin prefix instead of twill for admin users and add content prefix for all other tables.



return [

    | Twill default tables naming configuration

    'blocks_table' => 'content_blocks',
    'features_table' => 'content_features',
    'fileables_table' => 'content_fileables',
    'files_table' => 'content_files',
    'mediables_table' => 'content_mediables',
    'medias_table' => 'content_medias',
    'password_resets_table' => 'admin_password_resets',
    'related_table' => 'content_related',
    'settings_table' => 'content_settings',
    'tagged_table' => 'content_tagged',
    'tags_table' => 'content_tags',
    'users_oauth_table' => 'admin_users_oauth',
    'users_table' => 'admin_users',


Ok, let's do it

We have an email address (no mail will be sent) and a password, we are ready for the installation process, so let's execute the following command:

php artisan twill:install

Where is my Twill

The administration interface is available by default as admin path of your APP_URL environment variable (defined when you installed Laravel in your /.env file): http://localhost/admin.

Twill allows you to have it available where you want with environment variables:

  • For a fully dedicated domain: set an ADMIN_APP_URL environment variable with the URL (ex: ADMIN_APP_URL=tech.codivores.com)

  • As a path of your main domain: set an ADMIN_APP_PATH environment variable with the name of the subdirectory (ex: ADMIN_APP_PATH=/administration).

You can find more configuration options in the official documentation like strict domain handling when using a path.

In most cases, we make the administration available as a path of the main domain. And depending on our clients, we set the ADMIN_APP_PATH environment variable in the .env file (or as an OS environment variable) with the name they want and that is not too obvious for an administration interface.

/!\ If you are using a path, there's a little buggy behavior: if you try to login through http://localhost/admin/login.php instead of http://localhost/admin, you are well logged in but redirected to the APP_URL... To prevent this, you can edit the default auth_login_redirect_path config:


return [

    | Twill Auth related configuration
    'auth_login_redirect_path' => env('ADMIN_APP_PATH', '/admin'),


We can now go to http://localhost/admin in a browser and see the login page.

Filling the login form with the superadmin email and password we set earlier, we can see a beautiful empty administration interface ๐Ÿ™Œ.

Multi-language configuration

Twill allows you to manage your content in multiple languages and also have the administration in different languages.

Multi-language in the Front

Just add your locales in the locales array of the astrotomic/laravel-translatable package configuration file. We will just add French beside the default English locale for the tutorial.



return [

    | Application Locales
    | Contains an array with the applications available locales.

    'locales' => [

Multi-language in the Back

Twill handles some locales for the administration interface (at this time: ar, bs, de, en, fr, nl, pl, pt, ru, tr, zh-Hans - feel free to contribute and add yours).

Admin users can choose their language on their profile page, but you can change the default en locale in the Twill configuration file if you prefer.



return [

    | Twill app locale

    'locale' => 'fr',

Ready to create content?

Go to the next article to create a first module.

We now have a basic (for now) but working administration interface to manage content, we will see in later articles how to create content and display it on our front-end with Inertia and handle more complex content structure

We'll do our best to provide source code of the serie on GitHub
