Twill preview with Inertia

Twill preview with Inertia


4 min read

If a Twill module uses Revisions, you can benefit from an awesome Twill feature: preview your changes before publishing and compare old revisions. By default, it uses Blade views, so working with Inertia needs some adjustments.

The principle

For now, Inertia pages cannot be rendered in an iframe through srcdoc attribute (that is the way Twill manages the preview):

We need to implement a workaround to get our Inertia pages rendered by the Twill Blade view:

  1. Prepare the data for Twill preview() method in our Module Controller

  2. Render the Twill preview Blade view that will redirect to a custom PreviewController

  3. Retrieve and bind the data in the PreviewController to render the requested Inertia page

Prepare the data for the Blade view

The aim is to

  • put all the needed data in session with a specific key

  • provide to the Blade view this session key and the route to the PreviewController

To achieve this, we will create a Trait with our custom logic and use it in our Module controllers.

Trait creation to prepare the data



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Traits;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

trait HasPreview
    protected function previewForInertia($item, array $config): array
        // Session reflash is needed for revisions comparison.

        if (in_array('blocks', $config)) {

        if (isset($config['medias']) && is_array($config['medias'])) {
            foreach ($config['medias'] as $role) {

        $sessionKey = 'adminPreview_' . Str::random(40);

        request()->session()->flash($sessionKey, [
            'module' => Str::singular($this->moduleName),
            'page' => $config['page'] ?? null,
            'itemPreview' => $item,
            'props' => $config['props'] ?? [],

        return [
            'route' => route('twill.preview'),
            'sessionKey' => $sessionKey,

What it does

  • Computes blocks and medias of the item for Inertia rendering (we will see this part in detail in a further article).

  • Puts in session:

    • the module's singular name in module

    • the Inertia page to render in page

    • the Model item mapped to itemPreview

    • the potential additional props that will be injected into the Inertia page

  • Gives the Twill preview() method:

    • the route to the PreviewController

    • the sessionKey to retrieve our data

Using the Trait in our Module controller



use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Traits\HasPreview;

class PageContentController extends TwillModuleController
    use HasPreview;

    protected $previewView = 'twill.preview';

    protected function previewData($item)
        return $this->previewForInertia($item->only($item->publicAttributes), [
            'page' => 'Page/Content',

Create the preview Blade view


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">

    <body onload="window.location='{{ $route }}?sessionKey={{ $sessionKey }}'">

Render the Inertia page through the PreviewController




use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base\PreviewController;

Route::get('preview', PreviewController::class)->name('preview');



@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base;

use A17\Twill\Http\Controllers\Admin\Controller;
use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base\ModuleController;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inertia\Inertia;
use Inertia\Response as InertiaResponse;

class PreviewController extends ModuleController
    public function __construct(Application $app, Request $request)
        Controller::__construct($app, $request);
        $this->app = $app;
        $this->request = $request;

    public function __invoke(Request $request): InertiaResponse
        // Session reflash is needed for revisions comparison.

        abort_if(!$request->has('sessionKey'), Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

        $sessionKey = $request->input('sessionKey');

        abort_if(!$request->session()->has($sessionKey), Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

        $input = $request->session()->get($sessionKey);

        abort_if(!isset($input['module']) || !isset($input['itemPreview']), Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

        $item = $input['itemPreview'];

        $props = $input['props'] ?? [];
        if (!isset($props['locale'])) {
            $props['locale'] = app()->getLocale();

        $page = $input['page'] ?? ucfirst($input['module']) . '/Item';

        return match ($input['module']) {
            default => Inertia::render($page, ['item' => $item] + $props),

What it does

  • Checks if the sessionKey is provided in the request

  • Checks if the session exists and has the required data

  • Retrieves the props and adds the locale props

  • Computes the Inertia page to render.
    If the page is not set in your previewData() data, it uses the Item.vue SFC located in the ModuleName directory (for example, for a Projects Twill module, it will look for /resources/views/Pages/Project/Item.vue)

  • Renders the Inertia page with the provided props (we use a match() on the module name as we may have specific logic for some modules)


We can create our base Twill controllers (for Module and Singleton) that use the Trait and define the previewView and make our controllers extend those to avoid defining everything in every Module controller that needs preview.

To do so, we need base controllers to extend the:

  • Twill Module controller

  • Twill Singleton Module controller

Create Base controllers in the application



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base;

use A17\Twill\Http\Controllers\Admin\ModuleController as TwillModuleController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Traits\HasPreview;

class ModuleController extends TwillModuleController
    use HasPreview;

    protected $previewView = 'twill.preview';



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base;

use A17\Twill\Http\Controllers\Admin\SingletonModuleController as TwillSingletonModuleController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Traits\HasPreview;

class SingletonModuleController extends TwillSingletonModuleController
    use HasPreview;

    protected $previewView = 'twill.preview';

Adapt our existing Module controllers



// use A17\Twill\Http\Controllers\Admin\ModuleController as BaseModuleController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base\ModuleController as BaseModuleController;

class PageContentController extends BaseModuleController
    protected function previewData($item)
        return $this->previewForInertia($item->only($item->publicAttributes), [
            'page' => 'Page/Content',



// use A17\Twill\Http\Controllers\Admin\SingletonModuleController as BaseModuleController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Twill\Base\SingletonModuleController as BaseModuleController;

class PageHomeController extends BaseModuleController
    protected function previewData($item)
        return $this->previewForInertia($item->only($item->publicAttributes), [
            'page' => 'Page/Home',

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